Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

Our new EU project Drive2Transform can start! Let's go, let's go!


Exchange of experience Interreg Central Europe for Bavarian project stakeholders

Copyright: StMWi/A.Merz

On 28.02.2024, the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy organized the 1st Interreg Central Europe exchange of experience for Bavarian project stakeholders. The participants included ongoing projects as well as Central Europe projects newly approved in February 2024. Among others, we took part as project coordinators of our newly acquired Drive2Transform project. It starts in June 2024!

Drive2Transform aims to equip companies in the automotive industry with knowledge and innovation capacities via a joint transnational transformation platform in order to master, shape and drive the ongoing technological and market change and thus maintain the competitiveness of the European automotive sector.

Our learning from the exchange of experience:

  • Regional utilization of project results in practice - We want to create concrete benefits for the region. The "How?" is crucial here. And for us, this means involving the relevant regional stakeholders right from the start of the project.  
  • After the call is before the call - we can already develop new project ideas for future calls.

Thank you for the exciting exchange and future collaboration!

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