AIR Regensburg Transform-R TechBase Cluster Mobility & Logistics DGO

JOBTECH 2025 - the career fair of the TechBase


TechBase Regensburg, 12:00 - 16:00 Uhr

JOBTECH enters the next round on May 14, 2025! 

If you want to find out about career opportunities in permanent positions, TechBase Regensburg is the place to be on May 14, 2025: Small and large companies in the region will present themselves as attractive employers with specific job offers.

JOBTECH is the ideal platform to bring students and future graduates together with companies from the region. JOBTECH is organized by the Cluster Mobility & Logistics in cooperation with TechBase Regensburg, the Digital Start-up Initiative Upper Palatinate and AIR Artificial Intelligence Regensburg.

This is what JOBTECH offers students and graduates:

  • Get to know a variety of employers in a relaxed atmosphere
  • Building a personal network
  • Potential contacts for internships and working student positions, bachelor's and master's theses
  • Opportunity to apply for specific internships and job vacancies

What JOBTECH offers companies:

  • Support in the search for qualified employees
  • Initial pre-selection of potential applicants
  • Job interviews with potential employees, working students or interns
  • Increasing the level of awareness

>>> Would you like to take part in JOBTECH as an exhibitor? Then please contact us. 


Sabine Hirdina
Telefon: 0941 604 889 66

>>> Click HERE for the review of JOBTECH 2024
