Transform-R Rückblick (Transform-R) Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

How does New Work work in the area of leadership?


The New Work seminar provided answers

Together with our New Work expert, Christina Bräutigam, the Cluster Mobility & Logistics hosted the last seminar of the three-part New Work Series 2023 on October 10, 2023!

Part 3 was about how New Work can be applied and implemented in the area of leadership
Because the labor market is changing at a rapid pace. Whether crises, dynamic requirements, political and cultural changes. Soft skills are more in demand than ever. While classic techniques and tools can be learned through eLearning platforms and sophisticated onboarding plans, soft factors and skills are coming to the fore. In many job positions, they determine whether potential applicants fit into a company's cosmos of values or not. What soft skills are needed in times of future work?

Empathic leadership is required.

During the two-hour seminar, it quickly became clear that what sounds so simple is an ongoing and sensitive topic. Not only for HR departments, but above all for management, who not only act as role models but also set the course for this. Something that has long gone unrecognized and found little space due to number-based decisions is now, fortunately, more topical than ever. The #human #factor.


The New Work series continues in 2024:


The event was part of the German government's transformation networks. The Regensburg-based project transform.r supports companies in coping with structural change in the automotive industry.
