Transform-R Pressemitteilung (Transform-R) TechBase Cluster Mobility & Logistics Pressemitteilung (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

"Mobility & Logistics" and "Sensor Technology" clusters support vehicle industry and suppliers in their transformation


Two million euros in funding from the BMWK

The ongoing transformation of the automotive and supplier industry affects the automotive region of Regensburg in particular: the phasing out of old combustion engine technologies poses major challenges, especially for small and medium-sized companies. To ensure that this change causes as few job losses as possible, the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate (BMWK) is promoting transformation networks throughout Germany. In the Regensburg region, the two clusters "Mobility & Logistics" and "Sensor Technology" are responsible for setting up such a network and are receiving funding of 2.3 million euros. "Getting fit for the future" is the motto of the joint project "transform.r", which aims to create numerous new qualification, cooperation and networking opportunities to secure skilled workers in the region by the end of 2025.

With around 350,000 employees, the Bavarian automotive industry is a key industry for employment, growth and innovation. Regensburg is one of the strongest growth regions in Germany. In addition to OEMs, medium-sized companies and SMEs are largely responsible for its success to date. Companies and their employees are facing major challenges: New job profiles are emerging for a successful transition to electromobility. Often, small and medium-sized companies in particular do not have sufficient capacity to prepare themselves independently, i.e. to acquire the qualifications required in the future - insofar as they are already known - through internal training courses.

The Mobility & Logistics and Sensor Technology clusters are now supporting companies in the region with this transformation. "transform.r" is the name of the new project. "The automotive industry is facing major changes, which is why we want to work together with other partners from business and science to strengthen the future viability of the vehicle and supplier industry in the region," explains Uwe Pfeil, Manager of the Cluster Mobility & Logisticsr. The BMWK is funding the two networks with over two million euros. They are developing new qualification programs for the Regensburg region and its automotive and supplier industries. "The focus is on empowering employees to actively shape this change," adds Alexander Rupprecht, Managing Director of the municipal company R-Tech GmbH, which organizes the Cluster Mobility & Logistics. The two clusters address the specific specialist requirements of the SME-dominated region with a broad spectrum: from seminar series to specific specialist forums and working groups, new offers for networking and the promotion of cooperation projects through to knowledge and technology transfer. "We also want to establish a forum to promote a strategic dialog between representatives and stakeholders from the regional automotive industry, employee and employer associations," explains Stefanie Fuchs, Managing Director of the "Sensor Technology" cluster.

The two clusters are also working with the companies to develop a common vision for their region: What should the future of the automotive supply industry in the region look like in 2030? With its activities, the project is thus also providing valuable information for a Bavaria-wide network that is developing an overall Bavarian strategic approach under the leadership of "Bayern Innovativ". The Ingolstadt region, the Nuremberg metropolitan region and the Mainfranken region are also involved.

Press contact:

R-Tech GmbH
Tanja Braun
Head of Corporate Communication
Tel.: 0941/604 889-13


Cluster contact:

Cluster Mobility & Logistics
Uwe Pfeil
Cluster manager
Tel.: 0941/604 889-55
