Cluster Mobility & Logistics

Discover ARRIVAL Matchmaking Platform!


European portal for innovative transports and clean mobility solutions

What is ARRIVAL?

European portal for innovative transports and clean mobility solutions that combines forces of two EU- funded projects ENTRANCE and RECIPROCITY.

ARRIVAL is a multifunctional matchmaking platform that facilitates immediate access to relevant information and services to support buyers and innovators of technologies in the implementation and replication of smart and clean mobility solutions. ARRIVAL offers a common and legitimate European matchmaking platform and complementary off-line services designed to:

  • equip mobility stakeholders with tools, knowledge, contacts and methods to accelerate the replication of existing innovative mobility solutions.
  • mobilise financial resources to accelerate market access and scale up “first-of-a-kind” sustainable transport solutions.

The overall concept focus of the ARRIVAL platform lies in the ‘supply-demand-finance’ triangle that is envisaged for all transport and mobility modes and all relevant stakeholders.




For whom and how to navigate through it?

ARRIVAL was designed to accelerate the adoption of sustainable transport solutions and reduce CO2 emissions and pollutants caused by transport and mobility sectors.

It brings together stakeholders, including innovators, investors, policy makers, and end-users, from the “supply-demand-finance” triangle in the entire transport and mobility sector, including all transport means and modes to facilitate the development and adoption of sustainable transport solutions.


Who can use the ARRIVAL Matchmaking Platform?

ARRIVAL is for anyone involved in the transport and mobility sector who is interested in promoting and adopting sustainable transport solutions. This includes:

Innovators: ARRIVAL is for companies and individuals who are developing sustainable transport solutions, particularly “first-of-a-kind” initiatives. Innovators can use the platform to showcase their solutions, connect with potential investors and partners, and access funding opportunities.

Investors: ARRIVAL is for investors who are interested in investing in sustainable transport solutions. The platform offers access to a network of innovators and other investors, as well as support in navigating the regulatory landscape and accessing funding opportunities.

Policy makers: ARRIVAL is for policy makers who want to engage with stakeholders in the transport and mobility sector to promote sustainable transport solutions. Policymakers can use the platform to provide input and feedback on sustainable transport solutions, as well as access resources and information on the latest trends and innovations in the sector.

End-users: ARRIVAL is for end-users who want to promote and adopt sustainable transport solutions. End-users can engage with the platform by providing input and feedback on sustainable transport solutions, as well as accessing resources and information on the latest trends and innovations in the sector.


What are the benefits of creating an account on the ARRIVAL platform?

Creating an account on ARRIVAL is free and is the best way to benefit from ARRIVAL resources and its community of transport and mobility leaders and innovators.

Users who create an account and who are logged have the following benefits and advantages:

  • Gain access to a personalised user dashboard to share and receive information and relevant matches related to innovative transport and mobility solutions and stakeholders.
  • Connect directly with and contact other transport and mobility leaders from all areas of the ‘supply-demand-finance’ triangle.
  • Receive personalised notifications and matches for information and contacts most relevant to you as related to your expressed interests in sustainable transport solution deployment and uptake.
  • Create a page for and promote your organisation directly to our community.
  • Access exclusive resources including information on best practices, relevant legislations, and collaboration documents and templates.
  • Coordinate with other buyers to jointly procure innovative transport and mobility solutions and find the best suppliers to meet your demand.
  • Share information and assets with fellow community members and more!

ARRIVAL also provides additional information, tools and services relevant for the transport and mobility sector through connecting you with partnering platforms including OPINA, BABLE, Wheesbee,  ETP ALICE and EIT Urban Mobility, among others. Feel free to check these out!


How to use ARRIVAL?

Register and create a profile: To use ARRIVAL, you must register on the platform and create a profile. The profile should detail your sustainable transport solutions or investment interests, depending on your role in the sector. You can find a short video tutorial here.

Connect with stakeholders: Once you have created a profile, you can connect with other stakeholders on the platform, including innovators, investors, policy makers, and end-users. ARRIVAL offers networking opportunities, including events and webinars, to facilitate these connections.

Access funding opportunities: ARRIVAL offers access to funding opportunities for sustainable transport solutions. Innovators and investors can use the platform to learn about funding opportunities and connect with potential funders.

Navigate the regulatory landscape: ARRIVAL offers support in navigating the regulatory landscape for sustainable transport solutions. This includes access to information and resources on regulations and standards, as well as support in navigating the approval process for new solutions.

Stay informed: ARRIVAL offers access to information and resources on the latest trends and innovations in the sustainable transport sector. This includes access to reports, studies, and news articles on sustainable transport solutions.

Read the full article here.


Testen Sie ARRIVAL – die internationale Matchmaking-Plattform für innovative Transporte und nachhaltige Mobilitätslösungen!


ARRIVAL ist eine Plattform, die aus den beiden EU-finanzierten Projekten ENTRANCE und RECIPROCITY hervorgegangen ist. Sie bietet eine gemeinsame und legitime europäische Matchmaking-Plattform sowie ergänzende Offline-Dienste für innovative Transporte und nachhaltige Mobilitätslösungen, um:

  • Mobilitätsakteure mit den notwendigen Tools, Wissen, Kontakten und Methoden auszustatten, um die Replikation bestehender innovativer Mobilitätslösungen zu beschleunigen,
  • Finanzmittel zu mobilisieren, um den Marktzugang zu beschleunigen und nachhaltige Verkehrslösungen zu verbreiten, die in ihrer Art einzigartig sind.

Der Schwerpunkt des Gesamtkonzepts der ARRIVAL-Plattform liegt auf dem Dreieck "Angebot-Nachfrage-Finanzierung", das für alle Verkehrs- und Mobilitätsarten und alle relevanten Akteure vorgesehen ist.

Die Einrichtung eines ARRIVAL-Kontos ist kostenlos und der beste Weg, um von den ARRIVAL-Ressourcen und der Gemeinschaft von Innovatoren, Investoren, End-Nutzern und politische Entscheidungsträgern im Bereich Verkehr und Mobilität zu profitieren. Mit der Einrichtung eines Kontos werden Sie Mitglied unserer Gemeinschaft von +1000 Akteuren, die nachhaltige Verkehrslösungen vorantreiben und die ihresgleichen suchen.




Nutzer, die ein Konto erstellen und angemeldet sind, haben die folgenden Vorteile:

  • Zugang zu einem personalisierten Benutzer-Dashboard, um Informationen und relevante Spiele zu innovativen Verkehrs- und Mobilitätslösungen und -akteuren zu teilen und zu erhalten.
  • Direkte Verbindung und Kontaktaufnahme mit anderen Führungskräften aus den Bereichen Verkehr und Mobilität aus allen Bereichen des Dreiecks "Angebot-Nachfrage-Finanzierung".
  • Sie erhalten personalisierte Benachrichtigungen und Treffer für Informationen und Kontakte, die für Sie im Zusammenhang mit Ihren Interessen an der Einführung und Nutzung nachhaltiger Verkehrslösungen am wichtigsten sind.
  • Erstellen Sie eine Seite für Ihre Organisation und werben Sie direkt in unserer Community.
  • Zugang zu exklusiven Ressourcen wie Informationen über bewährte Verfahren, relevante Gesetze sowie Dokumente und Vorlagen für die Zusammenarbeit.
  • Stimmen Sie sich mit anderen Einkäufern ab, um gemeinsam innovative Verkehrs- und Mobilitätslösungen zu beschaffen und die besten Anbieter zu finden, die Ihren Bedarf decken.
  • Tauschen Sie Informationen und Ressourcen mit anderen Community-Mitgliedern aus
  • und vieles mehr!

ARRIVAL bietet auch zusätzliche Informationen, Tools und Dienstleistungen, die für den Verkehrs- und Mobilitätssektor relevant sind, indem es Sie mit Partnerplattformen wie OPINA, BABLE, Wheesbee, ETP ALICE und EIT Urban Mobility, unter anderem, verbindet.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.

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