TechBase Cluster Mobility & Logistics Pressemitteilung (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

Starting signal for new cluster "Mobility & Logistics"


Shaping the future together.

Regensburg - If you want to help shape the future, you should also keep renewing yourself. Following this principle, the two successful clusters "IT Logistics" and "E-mobility Regensburg" are now merging to form a joint network under the umbrella of R-Tech GmbH. The new "Cluster Mobility & Logistics" will create synergies and provide impetus for new ideas and projects. The joint cluster initiative thus grows to a network of over 100 members and partners and bears the European silver label for excellent cluster management.

R-Tech GmbH has been initiating and promoting the development of specific networks, clusters and research projects for more than ten years. The subsidiary of the City of Regensburg, based in the TechBase, founded the IT logistics cluster back in 2011 and took over the management of the Regensburg e-mobility cluster in 2015. Both clusters have a top-class network and expert knowledge, which will now benefit all players with the cluster consolidation. "With the new cluster, we want to drive forward future topics in the field of logistics and mobility in an even more targeted and interdisciplinary manner, such as smart city, hydrogen, artificial intelligence and automation," explains Alexander Rupprecht, Managing Director of R-Tech GmbH. The core tasks will continue to include networking key players, offering events as a platform for cooperation and providing specialist support in scouting funding.

Cluster manager Uwe Pfeil also believes that the merger will bring significant benefits to all those involved, as transport routes and means of transport will change massively in the coming years: "The transformation of mobility is also changing logistics and vice versa. With our cross-industry cluster, we are now even better positioned to meet the new era with pioneering solutions and fully exploit the innovation potential of digital networking."

The "Cluster Mobility & Logistics" was officially launched at the 10th Bavarian Innovation Congress on July 14, 2021. The new logo appears in eye-catching colors and its dynamic shape represents the bundled innovative power of the new technology network for mobility and logistics.

Press contact:

R-Tech GmbH
Tanja Braun  
Head of Corporate Communication
Tel.: 0941/604 889-13
