Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

Cluster Mobility & Logistics at Women in Data Science


Exciting work by women in the field of data science

On May 25, the Cluster Mobility & Logistics took part in Women in Data Science (WiDS) 2023. The conference is organized by the Regensburg AIR initiative.

WiDS was originally launched by Standford University. The aim of the conference is to showcase the exciting work of women in the field of data science. Although all speakers are women, participants of all genders are invited to attend the presentations and participate in the discussion.

For the past five years, regional teams have also been organizing events worldwide within this framework. An interdisciplinary team has adopted the concept for Regensburg and brought it to the cathedral city for the third time this year.

The 140 or so participants were treated to exciting keynotes from experienced experts. During the poster session, there was a lively exchange on a wide range of research projects. There was also plenty of time for networking.

Further information and impressions can be found here.
