AIR Regensburg Rückblick (AIR) Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

What is the status of artificial intelligence for regional SMEs?


Insights were provided at the AI Transfer Plus event

Commitment from management - this is essential for the implementation of AI technologies in the company.

This is one of the biggest lessons learned by Horsch Maschinen GmbH and emz-Hanauer GmbH & Co. KGaA, both of which successfully participated in the AI Transfer Plus program of the Bavarian State Ministry for Digital Affairs. At the AI Transfer Plus event at the OTH on 16.01.2024, both companies reported very positively on their experiences with the program. The associated learning curve for AI holds huge potential for SMEs. Independently of each other, Horsch and EMZ-Hanauer both also provided the insight that the introduction of AI into products and processes does not happen "just like that". In addition to the focus of management and the motivation of employees, it also requires resources, both in terms of money and personnel.

These are precisely the prerequisites for interested companies to take part in KI-Transfer Plus. Over the course of nine months, SMEs are individually supported by experienced AI developers in the implementation of their AI projects. The aim is to either try out various AI tools or to implement their first use case. In the long term, the aim is to build up sound technical expertise internally in order to equip companies for a future with AI in the best possible way.

AI regional centers are responsible for KI-Transfer Plus and supporting the companies: appliedAI (initiative for applied artificial intelligence) is Europe's largest initiative for the application of trustworthy AI technology; the Regensburg Center for Artificial Intelligence (RCAI) at OTH Regensburg is responsible for companies in the Upper Palatinate.

The event at the OTH Regensburg was organized by the RCAI in cooperation with the Digital Innovation Ostbayern (DInO) project and its project partner Cluster Mobility & Logistics. If you are interested, please contact the RCAI for an initial consultation at


The Digital Innovation Ostbayern (DInO) project is one of three European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) in Bavaria. The focus is on the digital transformation of SMEs and public administrations. As part of DInO, the Mobility & Logistics cluster provides support with funding advice and international matchmaking.
