Transform-R Rückblick (Transform-R) Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

Adapting company skills to the transformation


Driving Change Module 4: Future Skills

As part of the transform.r project, the Mobility & Logistics cluster hosted the fourth module of the "Driving Change" event series on April 17, 2024. The topic of this event was Future Skills.

After a brief round of introductions, the speaker, Dr Philipp Ramin, explained why skills and future skills are playing an increasingly important role in the context of digitalization and transformation. Companies that are undergoing change should always take their employees with them when managing this change. This is only possible if the content to be learned is linked to the existing individual skills of each employee. In addition, employees must want to learn the knowledge and be capable of doing so. However, all these framework conditions have no effect if the learning units are not accessible at the respective workplaces. The presentation also addressed the role of the company's HR department, which can play a decisive role here. The definition of the so-called "skills gap" was discussed in more detail during the workshop.

Many thanks to Dr. Philipp Ramin from i.40 the future skills company for the informative presentation and to the participants for the exciting exchange.


The event was part of the German government's transformation networks. The Regensburg-based project transform.r supports companies in coping with structural change in the automotive industry.
