Cluster Mobility & Logistics

EU project REMOBILISE successfully completed


Promoting sustainable urban mobility

REMOBILISE (REgrouping MOBILIty clusters to develop Skills and Exchange) proved to be a beacon of collaborative innovation ecosystems in the field of sustainable mobility initiatives across Europe. The project, funded by the EU's COSME program, ran from February 2022 to January 2024 with the aim of strengthening cluster management expertise while forging strategic alliances between clusters, ecosystems and cities in the mobility sector.

The REMOBILISE consortium was composed of five European clusters: RAI Automotive Industry NL (Netherlands), Cluster Mobility & Logistics (Germany), Mobinov (Portugal), NextMove (France) and Zone Cluster (Hungary).

In summary, REMOBILISE demonstrated the power of collaboration, innovation and strategic partnerships in promoting sustainable mobility solutions across Europe. For its outstanding partnership, the REMOBILISE project was recognized as one of the best European cluster partnerships of 2022 at the European Cluster Conference in Prague.

With its multi-layered approach, which included skills development, solution-oriented initiatives and transnational exchanges, REMOBILISE has not only strengthened cluster ecosystems, but also laid a solid foundation for future endeavors in the field of sustainable urban mobility. As Europe continues its journey towards a greener and more connected future, initiatives such as REMOBILISE have served as signposts and supporters towards a more sustainable and inclusive mobility landscape.
