Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

Webinar: “Discovering the REMOBILISE Mobility Ecosystem”


rich mobility ecosystems of REMOBILISE partners

This webinar delved into the rich mobility ecosystems of REMOBILISE partners. Revolving around major trends and challenges for the sector, each cluster provided an insight into its own ecosystem and addressed a specific topic at the heart of its activities (Materials, Power electronics, Hydrogen, Smart Cities, and Batteries).

Each intervention firstly presented main local and national actors of the sector, as well as information on the latest developments and arising challenges. For a more concrete understanding, speakers then highlighted undergoing initiatives in each partner’s ecosystem and identified regional/national funding opportunities.

Cluster Mobility & Logistics presented the topic „Hydrogen in mobility“ andfocused on a relevant initiative: the innovation network “HY2.ZERO – Mobility needs Hydrogen”, which aims to support the industrialization of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies through new and improved solutions and is thus part of the market ramp-up.

More information about the webinar can be found on the REMOBILISE website.


The REMOBILISE project will provide training and education activities for cluster members to foster their collaboration with relevant actors at local and EU level and offer support for upscaling to the European level.

The trainings will include online learning sessions on various topics that will aim at helping all the actors of the mobility sector to develop skills and knowledge, to successfully establish their position at the European level with an adapted guidance.
