Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

Kick-off phase 2 of the HY2.ZERO network


Industrialization of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies

On February 16, 2023, the Mobility & Logistics cluster hosted the kick-off event for phase 2 of the HY2.ZERO network.

Phase 2 of HY2.ZERO, which is a funded network of the Central Innovation Program for SMEs, started on January 1, 2023 and will run until December 31, 2024.

The HY2.ZERO innovation network aims to support the industrialization of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies through new and improved solutions and is thus part of the market ramp-up.

After the welcome address by Uwe Pfeil, Cluster Manager of the Cluster Mobility & Logistics, and the review of phase 1 and outlook for phase 2 by Roxane Wagner, Project Manager of the Mobility & Logistics Cluster, it was time for the exciting presentations by the network partners.

Prof. Dr. Otto Kreutzer, from the Deggendorf Institute of Technology, gave an interesting insight into how hydrogen and power electronics are connected and can benefit from each other. Dr. Stefan Miller, Managing Director of Hyperthermics GmbH, then presented his company. Hyperthermophilic bacteria are used there to decompose organic waste and then produce hydrogen.

Michael Heberl, research associate at OTH Regensburg, then welcomed the participants directly to the OTH campus and presented the container solution of the ORBIT II project. The ORBIT II project, funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK), is about storing electricity from renewable sources in the form of methane. To this end, renewable electricity is first converted into hydrogen and then, together with carbon dioxide - also from renewable sources such as biogas - into methane.

The Cluster Mobility & Logistics and the network partners are looking forward to the next two years and are motivated to start the second phase in order to initiate further exciting hydrogen projects.
