Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

"Research allowance" funding instrument


The workshop showed when it makes sense to use them

On October 19, 2023, the Cluster Mobility & Logistics and LEYTON Deutschland GmbH jointly hosted the "Research Allowance" workshop.

In the workshop, our experts explained to the 21 participants what the research allowance has to offer in terms of content and what opportunities may arise from the upcoming Growth Opportunities Act. Specific practical examples were used to show when this funding instrument makes sense and when it does not. 

Innovations are of great importance when it comes to growing as a company in the long term and being able to survive in competitive markets. The research allowance promotes the success factor of strong research and development (R&D), which has turned numerous companies into global market leaders.

Essentially, the research allowance includes a financial reimbursement of 25% of internal personnel costs and 15% of external R&D expenses. This funding offers advantages over traditional funding programs and is particularly interesting for start-ups and SMEs due to its flexibility. The research allowance is characterized by the possibility of applying for funding retroactively for projects that have already been completed (including those that have been discontinued) and can be applied additively.

Overall, the research allowance helps to strengthen the innovative power of companies, which should promote both economic development and technological advancement in the long term.

A big thank you to our speakers, who were able to answer all the participants' questions with their expertise. 

The LEYTON Group can already look back on over 26 years of consulting expertise. Founded in Paris in 1997, it is now active in 16 countries and has over 3000 employees. The background of the founders was to make subsidies accessible to a wide range of companies. LEYTON relies on a 100% success-based consulting and support approach. We take care of the entire process, from identifying R&D projects, drafting and submitting applications, communicating with the authorities and paying out the funding obtained. The focus is always on keeping the effort for the customer as low as possible and still generating the maximum return.

LEYTON Deutschland GmbH was founded in April 2020. It sees itself as an innovation consultant for SMEs and focuses on the promotion of R&D projects - regionally, nationally and internationally.

Susanne Deisböck - Senior Scientific Consultant R&D | Expert for national and international R&D funding programs; With more than seven years of experience in the successful acquisition of funding in R&D

Konrad Kirchbihler - Manager Sales | Head of Business Development (with the company since 12/2021, previously sales development at carwow Germany, founded a delivery service during his business studies)


The event took place as part of the Digital Innovation Ostbayern (DInO) project. It is one of three European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) in Bavaria. The focus is on the digital transformation of SMEs and public administrations. As part of DInO, the Mobility & Logistics cluster provides support with Innovation Ecosystem & Networking and Support to Find Financing and Investment.
