Transform-R Rückblick (Transform-R) Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

Start-up aid for initial innovation projects through funding programs


Webinar series "Subsidies compact

On May 16, participants in the webinar series "Fördermittel kompakt" were able to receive assistance in getting their first innovation projects off the ground - because for small companies with little to no experience in innovation projects, funding programs such as the innovation voucher, BayTOU and BayTP are an ideal introduction to research projects, collaboration with external service providers or cooperation partners.

When is which funding program suitable for companies? How can they continue afterwards? In this webinar, expert Elke Büttner from Bayern Innovativ explained the relevant differences and benchmarks of relevant programs. She began by defining technology funding before examining funding programs for start-ups. This was followed by a look at innovation vouchers as a low-threshold entry-level program as well as BayTOU and BayTP as funding opportunities for product ideas from SMEs. She concluded with an outlook on collaborative research in the form of the Bavarian Collaborative Research Program BayVFP.


The webinar series "Fördermittel kompakt" is part of the Digital Innovation Ostbayern (DInO) project, which is one of three European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) in Bavaria. The project focuses on the digital transformation of SMEs and public administrations. As part of DInO, the Mobility & Logistics cluster provides support for the "Innovation Ecosystem & Networking" and "Support to Find Financing and Investment" services.

The webinar series is also part of the German government's transformation networks. The Regensburg-based project transform.r supports companies in coping with structural change in the automotive industry.
