TechBase Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics) DGO

"We need a start-up-friendly climate"


SPD members of parliament visit TechBase

Group photo in front of TechBase: (from left) Member of the Bundestag Sebastian Roloff, City Councillor Dr. Thomas Burger, Member of the Bundestag Dr. Carolin Wagner, Prof. Dr. Veronika Fetzer, Project Manager DGO, Mayor Gertrud Maltz-Schwarzfischer, Bruno Lehmeier, SPD direct candidate for the Upper Palatinate District Parliament, Alexander Rupprecht, Managing Director TechBase and Uwe Pfeil, Manager Cluster Mobility & Logistics.

Visit to the Startup Garage with electronics workstations

Visit to the OTH's sensor technology application center in the TechLab

Together with Regensburg's Lord Mayor Gertrud Maltz-Schwarzfischer, members of the Bundestag Dr. Carolin Wagner and Sebastian Roloff as well as the parliamentary group leader of the Regensburg SPD in the city council, Dr. Thomas Burger, visited TechBase and learned about the start-up scene, the Digital Start-up Initiative Upper Palatinate DGO and the activities of the Cluster Mobility & Logistics

"We need a start-up-friendly climate in Germany if we want to create jobs, maintain prosperity and, last but not least, advance the technologies for the energy transition," affirmed Sebastian Roloff, member of the Bundestag, referring to the German government's start-up strategy adopted in July 2022. The aim of the strategy is to strengthen the start-up ecosystems in Germany and Europe. With the strategy, the German government has presented a concrete roadmap on how it intends to achieve this goal within this legislative period. "That's why we are happy to look at projects like the one in Regensburg. In my view, this is a recipe for success in a nationwide comparison. With its wide range of services and advice, TechBase goes far beyond a mere rental building." For example, there is also support in applying for funding programs, a close exchange with research and successful entrepreneurs in a mentor network. 

According to Wagner, a start-up environment can only thrive with a functioning research landscape. Cooperation and the close exchange with science and research are therefore another advantage that should be emphasized here in Regensburg. This also creates synergies in the Mobility & Logistics cluster and provides impetus for new ideas and projects in the fields of mobility and logistics. The result so far: over 70 initiated research and development projects with around 200 partners involved and a total project volume of 32 million euros. 

After the innovation round, the subsequent tour of the TechBase gave visitors the opportunity to take a look behind the scenes of the "Start-up Garage", where innovative ideas grow into initial prototypes.
