TechBase Cluster Mobility & Logistics Pressemitteilung (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

Kick-off for "REMOBILISE project"


Cluster Mobility & Logistics is part of the cross-border cluster initiative

The REMOBILISE (REgrouping MOBILIty clusters to develop Skills and Exchange) project was launched with the official kick-off meeting of the consortium in mid-February. REMOBILISE is a 24-month project with the aim of strengthening cluster management expertise and at the same time establishing strategic links between clusters, ecosystems and cities across Europe in the field of mobility. The Cluster Mobility & Logistics, based at TechBase Regensburg, is part of the international consortium.

The REMOBILISE activities focus on the topic of safe and sustainable mobility in cities. By developing new skills, innovative services, competitive networks and resource-efficient solutions, the clusters will support the expansion of European ecosystems and cities, in particular by increasing the competitiveness of European SMEs.

The REMOBILISE consortium is made up of five European clusters that complement each other in terms of their skills, expertise and experience at both organizational and regional level: RAI Automotive Industry NL (Netherlands), Cluster Mobility & Logistics (Germany), Mobinov (Portugal), NextMove (France) und Zone Cluster (Hungary).

The REMOBILISE project has the following 4 main objectives:

  • To promote cooperation, networking and learning among the cluster organizations and their members with a view to professionalizing specialized and tailor-made support services for SMEs.
  • Support the cluster organizations and their members in acquiring the necessary skills and in developing and implementing new solutions with regard to smart and sustainable mobility. This addresses the training and business needs along the value chain that require SMEs and cluster managers to adapt to trends, challenges and opportunities associated with (industrial) change.
  • Implementation of the ClusterXchange mobility program: ClusterXchange is a new pilot program to support exchanges in order to better connect Europe's industrial ecosystems. These exchanges are intended to facilitate transnational cooperation, mutual learning, networking and the introduction of innovations between actors from different industrial clusters. It is carried out with the support of cluster organizations, such as the members of the consortium.
  • Outreach and awareness-raising activities


Anne Häner
Projekt manager Cluster Mobility & Logistics
c/o R-Tech GmbH
Franz-Mayer-Str. 1
93053 Regensburg
+49 941 604889 62


Maria Hirschberger
Marketing Cluster Mobility & Logistics
c/o R-Tech GmbH
Franz-Mayer-Str. 1
93053 Regensburg
+49 941 604889 26
