AIR Regensburg Pressemitteilung (AIR) TechBase Cluster Mobility & Logistics Pressemitteilung (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

Regensburg clusters secure funding for AI service offering


Comprehensive range of artificial intelligence services for companies.

The city of Regensburg is consistently expanding its expertise in the field of artificial intelligence. The technology clusters based in the business and science location, which work together in the joint AI initiative AIR (Artificial Intelligence Regensburg), play a decisive role in this. The cluster partnership has now received funding of 250,000 euros from the "go-cluster" program, with which a comprehensive range of services in the field of artificial intelligence is being developed for companies.

"goAIR - Artificial Intelligence Regensburg" is the name of the cross-cluster project, which will be developed by the Cluster Mobility & Logistics (R-Tech GmbH), Cluster Sensorik/Strategische Partnerschaft Sensorik e. V., IT-Sicherheitscluster e.V. and BioPark Regensburg GmbH. The aim is to bundle the respective cluster expertise and offer the member companies a joint service portfolio for the cross-industry promotion of AI-driven innovations.

"The AI service offering includes the establishment of an AI expert network, the organization of specialist conferences and specific consulting services. We want to support small and medium-sized companies in particular in better exploiting the advantages of artificial intelligence," says Alexander Rupprecht, Managing Director of R-Tech GmbH, which initiated the funding project. Over 60 percent of the cluster members are SMEs, which face a variety of obstacles to innovation due to their size and different structures. They therefore require special, customized support in the development of new, data-driven corporate strategies, in which the Regensburg clusters will support them based on the use of AI.

The funding for the Regensburg cross-cluster project "goAIR" comes from the "go-cluster" program of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and will run for twelve months. The project sponsor is VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH.



R-Tech GmbH
Uwe Pfeil
Cluster manager Cluster Mobility & Logistics
c/o TechBase
Tel.: 0941/604 889-55

Press contact

Tanja Braun                                         
Tel.: 0941/604 889-13
