TechBase Cluster Mobility & Logistics Pressemitteilung (Cluster Mobility & Logistics) DGO

Cluster takes gold to Regensburg


Mobilty & Logistics awarded with EU label

With certificate and gold label (from left): Uwe Pfeil, Cluster Manager Cluster Mobility & Logistics, Gertrud Maltz-Schwarzfischer, Mayor of Regensburg, Alexander Rupprecht, Managing Director of R-Tech GmbH, Toni Lautenschläger, Head of the Office for Economy and Science of the City of Regensburg.

The Cluster Mobility & Logistics has received the "Gold Label" from the European Cluster Excellence Initiative (ECEI). This is the first time that the highest quality label for cluster initiatives has been awarded to Regensburg. The technology cluster based in TechBase Regensburg is the second in Bavaria to be awarded the "Gold Medal", making it one of the leading cluster organizations in Europe. The award was also honored by Regensburg's Lord Mayor Gertrud Maltz-Schwarzfischer at a press conference.

"We are extremely pleased about this award," said Gertrud Maltz-Schwarzfischer, "which is also a confirmation of the cross-cluster approach with which we want to ensure the competitiveness and resilience of the location and the companies based here." The city of Regensburg has been pursuing an active cluster policy since 1996. "Being one of the excellent cluster organizations in Europe spurs us on to continue to optimally promote the innovation potential of our network of business and science," says Alexander Rupprecht, Managing Director of R-Tech GmbH, which manages the cluster.

The ECEI Gold Label "Excel in Cluster Excellence" is an independent certification and is awarded to cluster management organizations that demonstrate high-quality cluster management. In order to receive the award, the cluster, which has over 100 members and cooperation partners, had to prove its competencies based on special assessment criteria, says Uwe Pfeil, Cluster Manager: "We regularly undergo the independent assessment process as part of the program. As a cluster, we are given an excellent reflection of where our strengths lie and where there are still weaknesses. By participating in the Gold Label Assessment, we have now been able to demonstrate the continuous development of our cluster to the next level.

The "Cluster Organization Management Excellence Label GOLD" was developed on the initiative of the European Commission with the aim of creating an independent, voluntary assessment procedure for the quality of cluster management that is valid throughout Europe. The award is valid for two years and is then reviewed again as part of a further audit.


Uwe Pfeil                                                                     
Cluster manager    
R-Tech GmbH                                                              
Franz-Mayer-Str. 1                                                       
93053 Regensburg                                                        
Tel.: 0941/604 889-55                                                  
Fax: 0941/604 889-11                                                   


Tanja Braun
Head of Corporate Communication R-Tech GmbH
Franz-Mayer-Str. 1
93053 Regensburg
Tel.: 0941 / 604 889 – 12
Fax.: 0941 / 604 889 – 11
