TechBase Cluster Mobility & Logistics Pressemitteilung (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

670,000 euros for the production of biohydrogen in Regensburg


Funding project launched as part of HY2.ZERO

A new R&D cooperation project has been launched as part of the "HY2.ZERO - Mobility needs hydrogen" network of the Mobility & Logistics cluster. The aim of the project is to develop an environmentally friendly process for producing biohydrogen from organic waste materials. The two project partners Hyperthermics Regensburg GmbH and Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg want to achieve a further milestone on the way to sustainable energy generation and mobility.

BiReMiH2 is the name of the new project and stands for 'the development of a continuous process for biohydrogen production from organic residues with hyperthermophilic microorganisms and model-based gas quality sensors'. "In the ZIM network HY2.ZERO, in which the project is located, new improved solutions are being developed to advance the industrialization of hydrogen technology," explains Katja Eichinger, project manager at R-Tech GmbH, which initiated the project. "BiReMiH2 is the result of an ideas workshop of the network partners, for which we have now received the official funding decision from the Central Innovation Program for SMEs (ZIM)."

According to Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Rabl, the hydrogen economy has a key role to play in the transformation of the energy supply. He heads the 'Hydrogen Technologies for Transport' laboratory at OTH Regensburg, with which the university is involved as a project partner: "Currently, the majority of hydrogen comes from fossil sources, and only a small proportion is produced using electrolysis, which requires a lot of energy." "We are convinced that hydrogen production from biogenic residues still offers a lot of potential here," adds Dr. Stefan Miller, Managing Director of Hyperthermics Regensburg GmbH. The project partner with expertise in hyperthermophilic microorganisms is starting with the development of an automated screening process to determine the biohydrogen potential. With Hyperthermics company headquarters in the BioPark, BiReMiH2 also embodies the target-oriented cross-cluster cooperation at the Regensburg business location.

BiReMiH2 runs until September 2026 and is an R&D cooperation project within the ZIM network HY2.ZERO.

The project partners of BiReMiH2:

About HY2.ZERO

The ZIM network brings together specialists from various fields in cooperation projects to develop innovative solutions with the following main topics: Fuel cell manufacturing technologies, fuel cell system components and hydrogen on-site generation technologies. HY2.ZERO is managed by the Mobility & Logistics cluster based at TechBase Regensburg.

About the Central Innovation Program for SMEs (ZIM)

ZIM is a nationwide, technology- and industry-open funding program for medium-sized companies and cooperating business-related research institutions. The aim is to sustainably support the innovative strength and competitiveness of companies and thus contribute to their growth in conjunction with the creation and safeguarding of jobs. ZIM offers funding opportunities for a wide range of technical innovation projects.
