Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

Cluster Mobility & Logistics at the Hydrogen Dialogue


Summit & Expo in Nuremberg

This year's HYDROGEN DIALOGUE - Summit & Expo took place in Nuremberg on December 4 and 5. The Cluster Mobility & Logistics was there as a visitor and took the opportunity to listen to the latest trends on the topic.

Three program highlights of the summit on the first day:

General Assembly Hydrogen Alliance Bavaria: the alliance partners kicked off the conference together. The H2.B is already celebrating its fifth anniversary and will continue to be promoted and grow in the future.

Keynote speech by Prof. Dr. Michael Sterner of OTH Regensburg: “Between procrastination and clamour: Can Germany transform? Example hydrogen ramp-up”, the answer is probably: Yes, if we can overcome a few showstoppers such as over-foundedness.

Mobility focus: In the panel discussion “Last Exit LKW - does H2 only make trucks mobile?”, representatives from BMW AG, GP JOULE GmbH, Zukunft Gas, KEYOU GmbH and Toyota Motor Europe shed light on the challenges and prospects for hydrogen as an energy source for trucks and beyond.

