Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

HY2.ZERO network at the 7th Regensburg Hydrogen Conference at OTH Regensburg


Project pitch and information booth

On March 5 and 6, 2024, the 7th Regensburg Hydrogen Conference took place at our network partner OTH Regensburg. With the network "HY2.ZERO - Mobility needs hydrogen" we were there live with a project pitch and an information stand.

The two-day conference was organized under the direction of Prof. Dr. Michael Sterner from the Regensburg Center of Energy and Resources (RCER) at OTH Regensburg with the support of Bayern Innovativ GmbH, Zentrum Wasserstoff.Bayern (H2.B) and the State Agency for Energy and Climate Protection (LENK).

The thematically diverse program ranged from various specialist presentations and impulses from the field to greetings from politicians, a panel discussion and project pitches. In addition to our HY2.ZERO network, the project presentations included the Hydrogen Atlas of the OTH Regensburg and the TTZ Kelheim under the direction of Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Rabl (both recently guests in the HY2.ZERO podcast). During the breaks, around 150 participants took the opportunity to network at the information stands.

Hydrogen was symbolized several times as a necessary piece of the puzzle in the energy transition. The tenor was also that the technologies must be ready and that we must not lose any time. Not only the reduction of bureaucratic hurdles and investment security are elementary for the expansion of the hydrogen economy, but also the networking between science and industry, in line with our network work.

Further information can be found in the OTH Regensburg review.

Many thanks to the organization team!
