Transform-R Rückblick (Transform-R) Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

Ideation workshop on the topic of quantum technologies


Project ideas become project outlines

The Cluster Mobility & Logistics, together with the City of Regensburg and OTH Regensburg, hosted an event at TechBase in Regensburg on Monday, March 13 from 13:00 to 15:00 as part of the funding call "Munich Quantum Valley: Company-driven lighthouse projects (LTP) for applications in the field of quantum technologies".

After a brief introduction to the current funding call by Anne Häner, Project Manager of the Mobility & Logistics Cluster, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Mauerer, Director of the Regensburg Center for Artificial Intelligence, presented the latest research topics in the field of quantum computing. He demonstrated the enormous potential that quantum computers could offer in solving certain problem classes. In addition, Dr. Christian Otto gave a pitch on a new research project "Bench-QC". This was followed by the active part of the ideation workshop. The participants presented several problems and project ideas, which were then discussed in the group. The aim now is to develop the project ideas from the successful workshop into project outlines and submit them by 27.04.2023.

The event took place as part of the Digital Logistics Working Group of the Cluster Mobility & Logistics. Other cooperation partners are AIR and RCAI. AIR stands for "Artificial Intelligence Regensburg" and is an initiative of companies and the two universities, clusters and the city of Regensburg. RCAI, the Regensburg Center for Artificial Intelligence, pools the expertise of OTH Regensburg in the field of research and application of artificial intelligence (AI). Through interdisciplinary collaboration, the RCAI aims to make significant contributions to the holistic and sustainable research, development and establishment of AI concepts and solutions in science, industry and society.

The workshop also took place as part of the BMWK-funded "transform.r" project.
