Transform-R Rückblick (Transform-R) Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

Outlook into the production of the future


At the annual conference of the Cluster Mobility & Logistics

On November 15, 2023, the annual conference of the Cluster Mobility & Logistics took place with the theme "Production of the future - digital and green" and brought together experts from industry, science and research to exchange ideas, present innovations and pave the way for the future.

After all, at a time of rapid technological progress, a shortage of skilled workers and a growing awareness of sustainability, it is crucial to discuss the future of production technologies in the areas of mobility and logistics.

After a brief welcome by the host, Alexander Rupprecht, Managing Director of R-Tech GmbH, and by the Cluster Manager of the Mobility & Logistics Cluster, Uwe Pfeil, the three presentations by David Dietrich (Institute for Control Engineering of Machine Tools and Manufacturing Units (ISW), University of Stuttgart), Prof. Stefan Galka (Chair of Material Flow Technology and Factory Simulation, OTH Regensburg) and Thomas Decker (Manager Battery Production, Webasto Roof & Components SE) provided an exciting insight into the latest technologies. 

Shifting application complexity from rigid hardware to flexible software. The research project "Software-defined Manufacturing for the automotive and supplier industry" (SDM4FZI for short) is dedicated to precisely this paradigm shift. A reference architecture, a new technological infrastructure and methods for adaptable production systems are to be used to create flexible, adaptable and dynamic production systems. The presentation by David Dietrich from the Institute for Control Engineering of Machine Tools and Production Facilities (ISW), University of Stuttgart, introduced the SDM4FZI research project and provided insights into current project results, from administration shells as digital twins, to control from the cloud, through to planning methods for flexible production based on this.

The second presentation by Prof. Stefan Galka highlighted the opportunities and challenges of decision-making systems in production and logistics, including the TwinTraSys and Artificial Intelligence in Layout Planning projects. 

Thomas Decker from Webasto Roof & Components SE then gave an insight into how the plant in Schierling is moving step by step towards the future and what the transformation towards green and digital production can look like. 

The annual conference not only offered the opportunity to gain an insight into the content, make valuable contacts and build networks. During the coffee break, there was an active exchange with the experts from the accompanying trade exhibition.

Our exhibitors were: 

The program was hosted by Uwe Pfeil, Cluster Manager of the Cluster Mobility & Logistics.


The event was part of the German government's transformation networks. The Regensburg-based project transform.r supports companies in coping with structural change in the automotive industry.
