Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

RECIPROCITY shows the spectrum of autonomous driving


Webinar "Austria's Autonomous Mobility Ecosystem"

In the webinar "Austria's Autonomous Mobility Ecosystem", the Autonomous Mobility Ecosystem Landscape Austria and various autonomous projects from the Austrian Institute of Technology were presented in preparation for the Mobility Mission Linz, which will take place as part of the RECIPROCITY project from March 28 to 31, 2023. Around 40 participants followed the presentations.

The "Autonomous Mobility Landscape" by Digitrans and the Automotive Cluster provides an overview of around 200 participating companies, institutions, research and educational facilities as well as current research projects and use cases in the field of autonomous driving in Austria. The project was realized together with students of the FH Steyr. The Landscape serves as a compass for navigating the jungle of diverse technologies and possible applications and is a networking tool for potential cooperation partners for funding and research projects.

In the second part of the plenary session, the AIT presented a selection of projects in the field of autonomous driving. From streetcars and buses to robotic mowers, they showed what is possible without a driver. Exciting insights into research were provided, but the challenges that autonomous driving still faces were also highlighted.

RECIPROCITY presented the Funding & Legal Helpdesk as well as the upcoming Mobility Missions Linz and Istanbul, webinars and workshops. You can find the next activities and further information on our website.
