AIR Regensburg Rückblick (AIR) Transform-R Rückblick (Transform-R) Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

Working Group AI in Energy & Mobility on site at AImotion Bavaria in Ingolstadt


AI mobility hub at the TH Ingolstadt

As part of the "AI in Energy & Mobility" working group, members of the Cluster Mobility & Logistics visited the AI mobility node AImotion Bavaria at the TH Ingolstadt on 22.06.2023.

This is dedicated to the AI-based mobility of the future. The focus is on innovation potential in the particularly relevant areas of autonomous driving, unmanned flying and digital production. The aim is to transfer the results of basic research into applications. The AI Mobility Node, which is funded as part of Hightech Agenda Bayern, is based at THI.

We were warmly welcomed by Dr. Christian Lösel, Managing Director of AImotion Bavaria and Managing Director of AININ Ingolstadt. First, we started with an exciting and entertaining tour of the university campus - and learned about the historical background as well as the current developments and future plans, as the campus is currently being renovated. We were then given a comprehensive overview of the AI ecosystem in Ingolstadt and its participants, facilities, test fields and digital construction.

After an open exchange with the participants, our visit was perfectly rounded off by a guided tour by Chris Gmeiner in brigk, the digital start-up center of the Ingolstadt region. This is a "contact point, meeting place and home for entrepreneurs and creatives, digital nomads and start-ups in and around Ingolstadt". The Kavalier Dalwigk building blends ultra-modern and historical elements.

Thank you for the exciting insights into the Ingolstadt AI ecosystem!

The event took place as part of the BMWK-funded "transform.r" project.
