Transform-R Rückblick (Transform-R) Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

Hydrogen workshop organized by the State Agency for Energy and Climate Protection (LENK)


Cluster Mobility & Logistics as a cooperation partner

[Translate to Englisch:] Personen v.l.n.r.: Prof. Dr. Raphael Lechner, Dr. Ing. Ulrich Buchhauser, Tanja Schweiger, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Sterner, Prof. Dr. Georg Stephan Barfuß,

Together with their network partners in the Regensburg region, the hydrogen multipliers of the State Agency for Energy and Climate Protection (LENK) hosted the Regensburg hydrogen workshop.

As the energy carrier of the future, hydrogen can achieve special things: it is seen as a bridge between energy, transport, industry and heat, can be used in a variety of ways with zero emissions and is also easy to transport and store. H2 is also becoming increasingly important in our region.

The event took place on March 21, 2023 at marinaforum Regensburg and was aimed at all stakeholders who are planning or already implementing hydrogen projects in the Regensburg region. The focus was on providing information and the opportunity to network. The high number of participants reflected the great interest in the topic.

The Mobility & Logistics cluster supported the event as a cooperation partner and presented the cluster, the HY2.ZERO network and the transform.r project to the participants in a presentation and with an information stand.

The participants were welcomed by the head of LENK Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Buchhauser, the District Administrator of Regensburg Tanja Schweiger and the Head of Economics, Science and Finance Prof. Dr. Georg Stephan Barfuß.

After a presentation by the hydrogen multipliers on the position of hydrogen in the energy system, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Sterner (OTH Regensburg) deepened the basic knowledge gained in his presentation "Power-to-X - from renewables to hydrogen".

Dr. Peter Wunsch from Bayern Innovativ then presented the Bavarian funding program for energy concepts and municipal energy usage plans. Prof. Dr. Raphael Lechner (IfE) then discussed the digital energy use plan as a basis for the regional hydrogen economy.

After the lunch break, which provided an opportunity for discussion, there was a digital presentation by Anke Schmidt (Nuts One) on HyStarter and the experiences of setting up regional H2 stakeholder networks. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Peter Rabl (OTH Regensburg) then presented the projects of the Hydrogen Technologies for Transport (H2T2) laboratory.

This was followed by a presentation of the Green Tech Cluster, the Cluster Mobility & Logistics and HY2.ZERO network as well as the Wiesent-Wörth Technology Campus. After a get-together with a coffee break, the participants were then given exciting insights into regional hydrogen projects during four project pitches by OTH Regensburg and the city of Regensburg.

Before the participants finally took the opportunity to ask questions and network, the hydrogen multipliers gave an outlook for the future and presented their support services.

The successful workshop marks the start of a recurring exchange that is to be established via cooperative support services.

The aim is to bundle regional activities, initiate joint projects and start meaningful preliminary hydrogen planning. This should result in the sensible development of electrolysis capacities, including the development of the Regensburg region into a nucleus of a regional hydrogen infrastructure with a holistic hydrogen value chain.
