Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

Peer-to-Peer Workshop of the project Momentum


Coping radical changes of urban mobility

On November 30th the virtual peer-to-peer workshop took place, which showed the current status of the MOMENTUM project.
Disruptive technologies and emerging mobility solutions such as MaaS (Mobility as a Service), CAVs (Connected Automated Vehicles), new shared mobility services and demand responsive transport, are bringing radical changes to urban mobility.The goal of MOMENTUM is to develop a set of new data analysis methods, transport models and planning support tools to capture the impact of these new transport options on the urban mobility ecosystem, in order to support cities in the task of designing the right policy mix to exploit the full potential of these emerging mobility solutions.

The workshop was moderated by Michael Strobel, project manager of the R-Tech GmbH. Furthermore he presented the projekt RECIPROCITY in his lecture. Afterwards, Florian Heitzer, das Stadtwerk Regensburg GmbH, gave an insight into the smart mobility strategy of Regensburg.

Constantinos Antoniou, Technische Universität München, talked about the "state of research on emerging mobility solutions" and following that,Santhanakrishnan Narayanan, Technische Universität München, showed how Modelling shared mobility services works.

Finally, in his live demo, Josep Maria Salanova Grau, CERTH showed a tool that was developed as part of MOMENTUM to support cities in the modeling of smart mobility solutions.
Click HERE to have a look at the tool.


