Cluster Mobility & Logistics Rückblick (Cluster Mobility & Logistics)

First SDG Partnership Conference Regensburg


Sustainable Development Goals Conference

Picture documentation City of Regensburg

Picture documentation City of Regensburg

Picture documentation City of Regensburg

From April 25 to 27, 2023, the Cluster Mobility & Logistics took part in the first Sustainable Development Goals Conference in Regensburg. The SDG Partnership Conference was organized by the City of Regensburg and supported by Engagement Global.

Representatives from the city of Regensburg and from Budavár (Hungary), Clermont-Ferrand (France), Memphrémagog/Magog (Canada), Pilsen (Czech Republic), Tempe (USA), Valladolid and Vitoria-Gasteiz (Spain) took part. Qingdao (China), Odessa (Ukraine) and Masaka (Uganda) were also connected virtually.

The conference began with a welcome evening in the Old Town Hall, where the international participants were greeted by Lord Mayor Getrud Maltz-Schwarzfischer after a guided tour.

On the first day of the conference, the respective representatives gave exciting insights into the various cities. The presentations and posters of the Gallery Walk focused on sustainability strategies, sustainable projects and activities as well as successes and challenges.

The second day started with a keynote speech on climate psychology. On both days, interesting workshops were held on the three topics of climate-friendly economic growth, clean energy production and sustainable mobility. In small groups, the implementation of the SDGs at local level and the associated challenges, successes, similarities and differences as well as possible opportunities for cooperation were discussed.

The supporting program gave the international visitors the opportunity to visit the city of Regensburg and the RUBINA and offered further opportunities for exchange over dinner together.
